Face to Face Psychic Reading R3,000

book a psychic readingPersonal Psychic Readings can cover all aspects of your life - love, relationships, destiny, career and more. Psychic readings will help you to find your right path, as you receive guidance and the powers of healing and spirit.

These readings are best suited for an hour sitting and cover all aspects of your life. Come prepared and start thinking of specific questions you want answered.


1 hour: R 3,000 or R3,200 including astrology chart.

Book Now

To arrange a booking Whats App Jenny Ren on 0027765282994 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Some people ask how often should I have a reading. It's different for everyone. Some clients phone on a weekly basis as it,s almost like a psychic life coaching experience, as over the years I get to know people and their lives very well so it becomes like a personal relationship I build with people and the reason they feel safe is that they know they can trust me with their issues Its absolutely confidential, and that’s why some public figures feel confident, knowing their secrets will never be revealed, and that they can confide anything to me, and will receive a totally non judgmental response. I always look at things from the deeper spiritual aspect.

Soul Picture

Discover your soul essence and receive a beautiful picture of your auric field. The picture will contain your numerology numbers, your star sign, and your moon sign with your life symbols picked up by Jenny Ren's psychic ability. This is available to clients worldwide.