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Add to that; a monthly personalized astrology transit analyses geared specifically to your birth date, accompanying each newsletter. R1200 extra.

Add to that; a monthly personalized astrology transit analyses geared specifically to your birth date, accompanying each newsletter. R1200 extra.

Add to that one SMS psychic question and answer each month for twelve months Extra R2500

Add to that your personal astrology chart natal chart emailed to you R750

Add to that three telephone readings booked for 2015 R3000

Add to that a health plan geared to your birth date specifically including twelve packs of herb tea R2500

Add to that 2 face to face readings booked for 2014 R2000

Add to that an online course emailed to you monthly in PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT how to develop all your psychic abilities month by month. A twelve month course. R6000

Face to Face Psychic Reading R3,000

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book a psychic readingPersonal Psychic Readings can cover all aspects of your life - love, relationships, destiny, career and more. Psychic readings will help you to find your right path, as you receive guidance and the powers of healing and spirit.

These readings are best suited for an hour sitting and cover all aspects of your life. Come prepared and start thinking of specific questions you want answered.


1 hour: R 3,000 or R3,200 including astrology chart.

Book Now

To arrange a booking Whats App Jenny Ren on 0027765282994 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Some people ask how often should I have a reading. It's different for everyone. Some clients phone on a weekly basis as it,s almost like a psychic life coaching experience, as over the years I get to know people and their lives very well so it becomes like a personal relationship I build with people and the reason they feel safe is that they know they can trust me with their issues Its absolutely confidential, and that’s why some public figures feel confident, knowing their secrets will never be revealed, and that they can confide anything to me, and will receive a totally non judgmental response. I always look at things from the deeper spiritual aspect.

Secrets of a Successful Psychic

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How to be psychic

People often ask me; did you inherit the gift? Were you born with the gift? Are you a gypsy?

The answer is yes to all of them with one factor….the ex-factor; I worked very hard at developing the gift through disciplined self-training. I’m not a Romany gypsy, but my life has been like a gypsy life with no permanent home , always travelling and on the move, my only belongings being my rags (I always seem to have lovely garments and scarves and earrings) my cards and trinkets, my crystal ball my mobile phone and lately, my laptop. I did partly inherit the gift as one great grandmother on my mothers side; Dorothy from Wales, could read the tea leaves and my grandmother on my fathers side could do spiritual healing.

My parents think I was born with the gift as I've always been a bit different and super sensitive. I know how hard I've worked at the gift and also what I've sacrificed to achieve it. At Christmas time I smiled when my message in the Christmas cracker read: the secret of success is hard work. And I suddenly realized I had to admit that because I've worked so hard at it, I have become a successful psychic with people calling and emailing everyday to book without me advertising.


**this is the price for the hard copy and an additional $5 will be charged for postage.

Telephone Readings

For immediate consultations you can book a telephone reading.  Call +27 (0) 76 528 2994. >>> Please make a payment online first:

R1000 per half hour, R1,500 for 45 minutes, R2,000 for one hour.

iSpirit Newsletter!

Subscribe to Jenny's Psychic iSpirit newsletter. Receive articles on mantras, recommended readings, super foods and a new Psychic Development Section to get you started on developing your own psychic abilities!! >>> Email Jenny.

Soul Picture

Discover your soul essence and receive a beautiful picture of your auric field. The picture will contain your numerology numbers, your star sign, and your moon sign with your life symbols picked up by Jenny Ren's psychic ability. This is available to clients worldwide.